There's always a reason for the way you feel, the way you think and the way you behave. It is in the uncovering of that reason that the Golden Grail reveals itself and change becomes …
Dealing with setbacks
This morning I got up to do some yoga and instead I was inspired to sit down and write this email. In the process my internet went down. Something with the router that needed to be reset. At …
Game of Creation
Here's why I went into studying the way we create our own reality. I tried to grow a marketing agency business, and because of my lucky integrity side I connected my success with my clients' …
Creator who hates their own creation
I watched a movie a while back called Ready Player One. There was a line that stood out for me "Creator who hates his own creation".Applies to a lot of people, not that it's your fault that your …
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What is the difference between Peak Performance and Spiritual Surrender?
In my journey through the eras in my life, I've got the opportunity to taste life and how it feels like operating completely in the realm of Peak Performance, then from a place of Spiritual Surrender, …
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3 Missing Links in Trying to Shift Company Culture in 2021
In our research to understand where business leaders stand in their perception of culture, we've noticed three particular trends that we find worthy to mention. As with everything in the world, …
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